Discovering the Sensory Bodysock: How They Help with Sensory Processing and Deep Pressure Needs

Sensory body socks (sometimes called a sensory sack or sensory sox) are these super cool, stretchy outfits that cover the whole body and give a gentle, snug hug to people who have sensory processing challenges. They can help with sensory input, proprioceptive feedback, and spatial awareness. They’re made of comfy, breathable materials, and they’re perfect for kids and grown-ups alike. The even pressure they create helps people feel calm and safe, and it’s a great way to improve their overall well-being.

Sensory Body Socks in Everyday Life

Making sensory body socks a part of daily routines

Incorporating sensory body socks into daily life can be a game-changer for people with sensory processing challenges. Here are some tips to make it happen:

Morning stretch or evening calm time: Start or end the day with a body sock session to help the wearer feel relaxed and focused.

Homework or study sessions: Wearing a body sock can help improve concentration and make tackling schoolwork or other tasks more manageable.

Breaks between activities: Use sensory body socks during transitions or breaks to help the wearer regroup and have space to recharge before moving on to the next activity.

Bedtime routine: Some people find that wearing a body sock before bed can help improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation.

smart school educational products kids print body wraps

Smart School Educational Products make body socks for kids and adults alike, but these specific full-body wraps with super adorable prints come in small through large for a recommended height of 3’2″-5’4″. They’ve got dinosaurs, race cars, sports, psychedelic colors, and stars.

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