Discover the Magic of Found Family Books: Top 10 Must-Reads in 2023

Welcome, to the magical world of ‘found family’ books. For those new to the term, found family is a literary trope where a group of individuals, not biologically related, end up becoming as close, if not closer, than a traditional family.

Whether our characters are leading a solitary life, enrolled in a local private school, or dealing with an estranged father, the concept of found families remains a heartwarming testament to the power of human connection.

You may wonder, “Why should we care about these found families? Don’t we have our own families to ponder upon?” A valid question indeed, but we believe the charm of found family books lies precisely in their reflection of our own family experiences and dynamics. Whether it’s the bond between close friends who become a little family or the mutual support between a group of people surviving together, these stories capture the essence of familial love in its most genuine form.

In our own lives, we often find that our extended family isn’t just bound to us by blood. We might find a ‘family’ in our neighborhood book club or among our best friends. It’s these relationships, cherished and nurtured, that form the basis of found families.

group of close friends sitting overlooking water and chair lift
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What does found family mean in books?

In books, the concept of “found family” refers to a theme or trope where characters form close-knit and supportive relationships with individuals who are not their biological or blood relatives.

Found family emphasizes the idea that family can be chosen and created through bonds of friendship, loyalty, and shared experiences. It explores the notion that a sense of belonging, platonic love, and support can be found outside of traditional familial relationships.

Found family narratives often involve characters who come together under challenging circumstances or in unconventional situations, like in the midst of an adventure, in a group home, or through a shared goal or mission. These characters build deep connections and form an emotional support system, providing each other with care, understanding, and a sense of belonging. The found family trope is popular in various genres, including fantasy, young adult fiction, and contemporary literature.

Through the found family theme, books explore the importance of unconditional love, acceptance, and the power of chosen relationships. They often celebrate diversity, portraying characters from different backgrounds, identities, and experiences who find solace and strength in their found family. This trope resonates with readers because it highlights the transformative nature of relationships and the idea that family can extend beyond blood ties.

The concept of found family in books offers readers a sense of hope and inspiration, showcasing the possibilities of building meaningful connections and finding support in unexpected places.

It appeals to readers who may have experienced challenges or disconnection within their own biological families, providing them with a sense of identification and affirmation that they can find a sense of home and belonging through the relationships they form.

Is found family a love trope?

Yes, found family can be considered a love trope in books. While it may not always involve romantic love explicitly, it often explores the theme of love and deep emotional connections between characters who have chosen to form a family unit. The love portrayed in found family narratives goes beyond traditional romantic relationships and focuses on the bonds of friendship, loyalty, and support that develop between individuals who may not be related by blood.

Found family stories often depict characters who find solace, acceptance, and a sense of belonging in their chosen family. These relationships are built on mutual care, understanding, and unconditional love. The emphasis is on the strong emotional connection and the love that grows between characters who become each other’s support system and create a sense of home and belonging.

While romantic love can exist within found family narratives, it is not the sole focus. Instead, the emphasis is on the platonic love and deep connections formed between characters who become like family to one another. Found family stories celebrate the power of love and the idea that love can be found and cultivated beyond traditional family structures.

The exploration of love within the found family trope resonates with readers because it showcases the importance of connection, acceptance, and support in our lives. It highlights the capacity for individuals to create meaningful relationships and find love and belonging outside of biological or romantic ties.

Why do people like the found family trope?

People like the found family trope in books for several reasons. Here are a few possible explanations:

1. Sense of Belonging

The found family trope resonates with readers because it explores the theme of finding a sense of belonging and acceptance. It highlights the idea that individuals can create deep connections and form their own support systems outside of traditional family structures.

2. Emotional Resonance

Found family stories often evoke strong emotions. They depict characters who come together and develop strong bonds based on love, trust, and mutual support. These emotional connections can be uplifting and heartwarming, creating a sense of warmth and comfort for readers.

3. Representation of Chosen Relationships

The found family trope portrays relationships of choice rather than obligation. It reflects the reality that not all families are built solely on blood ties. Many people have chosen relationships that hold a special place in their lives, and the found family trope celebrates and validates these connections.

4. Exploration of Identity and Self-Discovery

Found family narratives often involve characters who have experienced hardships or felt like outsiders. Through their journey, readers witness the characters’ growth, self-discovery, and the realization that they can find love, acceptance, and a sense of identity within their chosen family.

5. Themes of Loyalty and Support

Found family stories emphasize loyalty and unwavering support among the characters. These narratives show the power of standing by one another, even in the face of challenges. This theme resonates with readers who value deep and meaningful connections in their own lives.

Overall, the found family trope provides a compelling and hopeful narrative that explores the bonds of love, support, and connection. It allows readers to see the transformative power of relationships formed outside traditional family structures and celebrates the idea that family can be found and cultivated through choice and shared experiences.

How do you find a children’s book you can’t remember the name of?

Finding a children’s book when you can’t remember the title can be a challenge, but here are a few strategies you can try:

1. Online Book Communities

Joining online book communities like Goodreads or LibraryThing can be helpful. Describe the book as much as you remember, including plot details, characters, or any unique aspects. Other members might recognize the book and provide you with the title or author.

2. Children’s Book Databases

Explore online databases dedicated to children’s books, such as WorldCat or the International Children’s Digital Library. You can search using keywords, themes, or even specific details you recall from the book. These databases often provide information about the book’s content, author, and publication details.

3. Local Libraries and Bookstores

Visit your local library or bookstore and ask the librarians or booksellers for assistance. They have extensive knowledge of children’s literature and might be able to help you identify the book based on your description. They may also have access to resources and catalogues that can aid in the search.

4. Online Book Search Tools

Utilize online book search engines like BookFinder or AbeBooks. These platforms allow you to input details about the book, such as genre, age range, and keywords. They provide search results that match your criteria, which can help you track down the book you’re looking for.

5. Social Media and Book Forums

Post your query on social media platforms or dedicated book forums like Reddit’s r/whatsthatbook. Describe the book as accurately as possible, and fellow book enthusiasts may be able to offer insights, suggestions, or recommendations.

Remember to provide as much information as you can about the book, such as plot details, characters, setting, illustrations, or any memorable quotes. The more details you can provide, the higher the chances of someone recognizing the book. Patience and persistence are key when searching for a children’s book with limited information.

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