What’s The Best Elevated Dog Bowl?

Are you in the market for a new dog feeder or looking for a better way to provide your pet with healthy nutrition and comfort as they’re aging? A great option is getting an elevated dog bowl.

Elevated bowls can provide many benefits, like helping with digestion, reducing neck strain, and making eating more comfortable for larger breeds with difficulty bending down to traditional floor-level feeders. They’re especially beneficial to dogs with arthritis as they place the neck in a more natural position which can relieve strain on the neck, shoulders, hips and joints.

We want to note here that some studies have shown that less air enters the esophagus when a bowl or feeder is elevated to the correct height for the size of the dog, possibly decreasing the risk of canine bloat, but other studies have suggested that making the food easier to eat increases the speed at which dogs eat, and therefore raises the risk of canine bloat. So, if you have a dog that eats too quickly already or has had bloat scares in the past, you may want to combine an elevated feeder with a slow feeder or simply pass on elevating altogether.

If you’re interested in buying an elevated dog bowl and want to know what features to look for in one, continue reading for our top recommendations!

What We Love

The IRIS elevated dog bowls make feeding easier for larger breeds with difficulty bending down to eat from a traditional floor level bowl, while the adjustable legs allow you to easily remove the leg extensions for puppies or small dogs and attach them back on to fit your pets’ growth if necessary.

The spill-proof rim helps contain spilled water and food within the eating area, making it easier to clean up when they’re done with the meal. Plus, the stainless steel elevated bowls are dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning.

This elevated dog bowl can be easily be used for multiple pets, dry food, wet food, or water – due to its’ size and the design that helps contain spills while keeping your furry friend well-fed. Get this elevated dog bowl today to provide your pup with the best nutrition and comfort!

Questions and Answers

How elevated should dog bowls be off the ground?

The general rule is that the elevated dog bowl should be a maximum of 5-6″ lower than their shoulder. So measure from the floor to their should, then subtract 5 or 6 inches and make sure that the bowl you buy is no taller than that. This allows your pet to eat comfortably without straining its neck or back.

Are elevated dog bowls adjustable?

Yes, many elevated dog bowls come with adjustable legs that allow you to raise or lower the bowl to the most comfortable height for your pet. This is especially useful if you have pets of different sizes. Some bowls come with extensions so you can increase the height further for giant breed dogs.

Will elevated dog bowls work with any food?

Yes, elevated dog bowls can be used with wet and dry foods, provided the bowl’s material is suitable for the food type (e.g., stainless steel for wet food). 

Are elevated dog bowls safe for my pet?

Elevated dog bowls are designed with comfort and safety in mind. The elevated stand minimizes neck pain and joint strain and makes it much easier to eat from, but if canine bloat has been an issue for you dog or they eat too quickly already, you may want to add a slow feeding option to the bowl as a safety precaution.

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